Pangea Software Releases “The Finger” for iPhone and iPod Touch

3 Aug

Austin, Texas – August 3, 2009 – Pangea Software is proud to announce The Finger for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch.

The Finger is an incredibly cool 3D animation app for the iPhone and iPod Touch, and the basic idea is that you manipulate a 3D hand to form and display hand signs.  A built-in animation editor lets you construct hand signals that can say anything from “You are insane!” to “She’s hot!” to… well… other “expressions” best left to the user’s imagination.  The Finger comes with over 90 built-in hand gestures, but users are able to create their own using an intuitive touch interface to manipulate the fingers, thumb, and wrist.


In addition to the novelty and visual coolness aspects of The Finger, it also has some practical uses.  It has the ability to translate text into American Sign Language, so, users can enter text and the 3D hand will then “say” the text using signing.


Pangea Software has been a major player in the iPhone game space with such hits as Enigmo, Cro-Mag Rally, Bugdom 2, Nanosaur 2, Otto Matic, and more, but The Finger is their first release in the Entertainment category.

“This is one of the most unique apps out there,” says Brian Greenstone, President of Pangea Software, “When we were developing The Finger, we would build animations to test it, and sometimes they would come out so funny that we’d nearly bust a kidney laughing.  There’s a lot of fun to be hand with this app!”

You can give yourself The Finger today on the App Store for just 99 cents.

The Finger runs on any iPhone or iPod Touch with iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later.  For more information about The Finger and other Pangea Software apps, please visit:

Pangea has also posted an entertaining YouTube video about The Finger here:

On a side note, Pangea Software has also announced a free Lite version of their popular action-adventure game, Otto Matic.

Otto Matic Lite can be downloaded from iTunes today for free.

About Pangea Software
Founded in 1987 by Brian Greenstone, Pangea Software, Inc. is a versatile and progressive software developer that is independently owned and operated. Based in Austin, TX, the award-winning Pangea team is focused on creating original titles for the Apple iPhone and Mac platforms that are fun for the entire family.

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